Autumn Swiss Roll Brioche
Today I bring you a recipe that has caused a sensation at home…. Not only because of the way they look on the outside, but also because they are so incredibly delicious. Autumn Swiss Roll Brioche.
And why this name? Well, the truth is that I wasn’t sure what to call it as it is a product that consists of 2 preparations; a filled sponge roll covered with a leavened dough. After giving it a lot of thought, I believed that the ideal thing would be to give it the name of both preparations, added to the nuance that refers to this time of year and that, in the recipe, is reflected in the filling of the sponge roll. A spiced pumpkin jam, the same ones we use to prepare the famous Pumpkin Pie.
First of all, I would like to say that this recipe is based on the design of a video I saw on Instagram. As much as I searched for the original source, I couldn’t find it. The person who shared this video on their profile did not tag the original creator so I don’t know who it is. If any of you know (it seems to be a bakery), I would be very grateful if you could tell me so I can mention it and link to it as it deserves 🙂
UPDATE: Rose, thank you so much for letting me know the author! This amazing idea is made by Chef Antonis.
The recipe for this pastry, which I decided to call Autumn Swiss Roll Brioche, I have developed on my own since I couldn’t find the source.

Making Autumn Swiss Roll Brioche.
To make the sponge cake, I needed a recipe that would allow me to achieve a very elastic, moist and spongy product. I have several sponge cakes of this type on my website, but I wanted a more “sponge” type cake. So I searched and looked at many, many recipes…. Until I came to this website; Guai Shu Shu, and its creator is Kenneth Goh.
If there are people who know how to make this type of sponge cake, so spongy and elastic, it is the Asians. They make art with roll cakes, in fact they create beautiful drawings and designs on them. So I decided to look at websites there knowing, 100%, that the result would be good.
I got to their website and I really liked the way they explained the process, their mistakes and errors, as well as what we should do to avoid problems with the final result. There was something that I found very novel, as well as intelligent. To integrate the flour into the preparation, it is previously cooked together with the oil (in the same way that we start by making a béchamel sauce). This scalded flour, like the tangzhong, acquires a wonderful quality in that its absorption capacity is increased. This not only increases the amount of liquid we can work with in the recipe, but also gives a much moister result.
I tried your recipe and it was a success, so I decided to include it in the preparation, thank you very much!
The filling.
Since it’s autumn, I had to use an autumn ingredient to fill it. There are so many great ingredients, but pumpkin is my fave. I thought I’d make a spiced pumpkin jam in the same way we made Pumpkin Pie. They are super aromatic and captivating spices.
Yes it’s true that I’m calling it a jam, but it could almost be considered a dense paste or even “cheese fruit”. For this recipe we need the jam not to contain too much moisture, otherwise it could spoil the cake a bit. We need it to be rather thick, but spreadable. Both in the recipe and at the bottom, in the NOTES section, I detail the whole process and procedure in detail and the reason for each step.

The dough.
To cover the sponge cake, I needed a dough that would be very tender, but would also hold its shape very well after baking. At first I thought of brioche dough, but as there was too much butter in it, I didn’t know if it would work well… So I decided to use my Viennese bread recipe.
It is a very grateful dough, very easy to work with, with a very tender and very fluffy result. It also holds its shape very well. I thought it would be ideal for this recipe.
It is true that not having a guide to know how much dough I would need, I had to make more dough than necessary. So you will have some dough left over. But, every cloud has a silver lining, in my case I made three hamburger buns of 100 g each (so good!) and the baking time they need is 12 minutes at the temperature specified in the recipe.
I am aware that the dough itself is not a brioche. Forgive me for the readjustment and adaptation of the name of the preparation 🙂
Final assembling.
To give the final touch to this pastry, which I’m crazy about, I decided to make a mascarpone cream. It is a cream that you have already seen in many posts, but I really like the final result both in flavour and density, not to mention how well it keeps out of the fridge (without overdoing it, of course!).
Of course, you can use whipped cream if you prefer, but I recommend this cream if you like it.
The finishing steps are a little cinnamon powder and a tuile. I have always found tuiles made with silicone moulds or stencils to be very elegant… So I remembered that a few years ago I was given a silicone matto make some sugar decorations and I hadn’t used it yet. I am very happy to have been able to give them such a nice and elegant debut.
In this post on the blog I showed you how to make wafers or Russian cigarettes, the result is very good. But I wanted to try another recipe in which some details and processes were varied to compare results. So I decided to try this one from Baking Obsession. I was very happy with the result as well.
The whole thing is a sweet that I can’t find the words to describe it? Wonderful, but really wonderful 🙂
Autumn Swiss Roll Brioche recipe
- 775 g clean pumpkin, skin and seeds removed
- 450 g sugar*
- 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon powder
- 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger
- 1 clove, finely ground
- 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg
- 1/2 vanilla pod
*This quantity of sugar is the right one for this preparation because the rest of the ingredients contain hardly any sugar. If we make it to be consumed as jam, use only 375 g of sugar.
Recipe by Guai Shu Shu
Egg yolk mixture:
- 4 large egg yolks
- 60 g whole milk, room temperature
- 45 g sunflower oil
- 85 g cake flour
- 3 g baking powder
- pinch of salt
Egg white mixture:
- 4 large egg whites
- 85 g sugar
- 500 g bread flour
- 240 g whole milk, cold
- 1,5 g dry yeast or 4,5 g fresh yeast
- 55 g egg
- 50 g unsalted butter at room temperature
- 40 g sugar
- 8 g salt
- 1 beaten egg for brushing
Recipe by Baking Obsession
- 65 g AP flour
- 65 g unsalted butter, room temperature
- 60 g icing sugar
- 2 egg whites L
- pinch of salt
- 265 g whipping cream, very cold
- 150 g mascarpone, very cold
- 55 g icing sugar
- cinnamon podwer
- KitchenAid
- hand blender
- rolling pin
- perforated baking tray
- silpat or teflon
- silicone mat or stencil (optional)
- pastry spatule
- whisk
- scraper
- baking tray 25 x 38 x 2,5 cm
- piping bag + 6B Wilton nozzle or another one to your choice
- chopsticks tongs
- digital scale
- bowls
Make Pumpkin Pie jam.
- Cut and clean the pumpkin, remove seeds and skin.
- Chop and add to a bowl, or directly to the pot.
- Add the sugar along with the spices, vanilla and lemon juice.
- Place over medium high heat and bring to the boil. Pumpkin will start to release a lot of water.
- Once it comes to the boil, reduce to medium-low heat and cook for 70-80 minutes. Stir occasionally.
- When it has been cooking for about an hour or a little longer, blend with a hand blender. First remove the vanilla pod. Ideally, it should be processed as well as possible, so that it can be spread well afterwards.
- For the use we are going to give it, as a filling, the ideal is to reduce it a little more than if we make jam to prevent the sponge cake from having too much moisture. The final texture will be very similar to a spreadable quince cheese.
- Remove from the heat, place in two glass jars (previously sterilised), close with their corresponding lids and turn upside down. This will create a vacuum.
- Leave to cool completely.
Prepare yolk mixture for the sponge cake.
- Pour sunflower oil to a frying pan and place over medium heat. Let it heat up, but do not let it smoke.
- Once it has reached this point, add the flour and mix with a wooden spoon. Stir until both ingredients are fully integrated, resulting in a dense, crumbly, blond-coloured dough.
- Pour into a glass bowl and leave to cool completely.
- Once it has cooled, add the flour mixture into a large bowl. Pour in the milk and mix with a whisk.
- Incorporate the egg yolks and mix again, to achieve a smoother texture.
- Add the pinch of salt together with the baking powder and the vanilla, mix again until homogenised.
- Set aside.
Prepare meringue for the sponge cake.
- Line a 25 x 38 x 2.5 cm rectangular baking tray with baking paper and set aside.
- In the bowl of the KitchenAid, add the egg whites and begin to whip.
- Once they start to foam, add 1/3 of the total sugar. Start increasing the speed progressively until you reach medium-high speed.
- Add the rest of the sugar in two more batches.
- Whip the egg whites until soft peaks are achieved, we are not looking for stiff peaks. You can see the consistency in the video.
Mix the egg yolk mixture with the meringue.
- Start adding the meringue, in batches and with gentle, enveloping movements. In my case I have used a whisk, it is very easy for both mixtures to integrate well if we work the dough gently and without stirring hard.
Pour into the mould and bake.
- Preheat the oven to 355ºF/180ºC with heat up and down. Remember to preheat it before starting to make the sponge cake.
- Pour the mixture into the baking tray and smooth the surface with a spatula or scraper.
- Place in the oven at medium heat and bake for 15 minutes.
- Remove from the oven, unmould and leave to cool on a wire rack.
Prepare the sponge cake for rolling.
- Carefully remove the baking paper.
- Cut off the longer ends to obtain a clean cut. The ends of the sides should be left as they are to prevent them from drying out during the second baking.
- Spread the Pumpkin Pie jam or paste over the surface.
- Carefully roll it up. Once it is rolled up, stretch the paper, as shown in the video, to make it fit tightly.
- Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours or until the next day.
Prepare the dough to cover the roll.
- The recipe for this dough is the same as the one I gave you for the Vienna rolls. You can see how to make them in this post and, in this video, the process to do it.
- The dough can be made the night before or the same day.
- If we make it the night before, we let it rise 1/3 of its volume and refrigerate it until the next day. If we make it on the same day, we let it rise a little more than double and proceed to work with it.
Dividimos y formamos la masa para cubrir el rollo.
- Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface and gently degass the dough. If the dough has been refrigerated, temper it for 1 hour before working with it.
- Divide the dough into 12 pieces of 45 g each. You will have 300 g of dough left over, which can be used to make 3 hamburger buns of 100 g each, or Vienna breads.
- With the help of a rolling pin, roll out one of the pieces.
- Roll it up to form an elongated piece.
- Seal the end of the loaf with the dough.
Place both hands on the piece and slide it across the surface, in the same way as you would roll out loaves of bread or baguettes, to give a length of approximately 20-25 cm. - Repeat the same process with the rest of the pieces.
- NOTE: It is very important to keep the pieces covered with cling film at all times, both the ones already formed and the ones we are going to shape. It dries out easily and this will make it difficult to work with them properly.
Cover the roll.
- Arrange the 12 pieces stretched out as shown in the video. Leave a gap of approximately 1.5 cm between each piece.
- Place the roll on top of the pieces of dough. Make sure that the joint of the sponge cake is facing upwards.
- Check, by joining the ends of a piece of dough, whether there is too much excess dough at the joint. If so, cut both ends a little to make sure there is no excess when joining them together.
- Join the ends of each piece.
- Turn the roll over, making sure that the joint of the pieces is centred. Place on a tray lined with baking paper, lightly brush the surface of the dough with olive oil and cover with cling film.
- Leave to rise until it doubles in volume. In my case it was 4 hours to 75ºF/24ºC.
- Preheat the oven to 375ºF/190ºC with top and bottom heat.
- Brush the surface of the dough with beaten egg.
- Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Remember that the interior temperature must reach 190º-194ºF/88º-90ºC for the baking to be complete.
- Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely on a wire rack.
- We can fill it the same day we bake it, if we wish. But if, once it has cooled, we wrap it in cling film and leave it to rest at room temperature until the following day, the texture and flavour will be formidable.
Prepare tuiles batter.
- In the bowl of the KitchenAid, add the butter and the icing sugar.
- Beat with the whisk until you obtain an airy, whitish and creamy mixture.
- Add the egg whites and beat again.
- Begin to add the flour, together with the pinch of salt, little by little and waiting for it to integrate before adding more. Do not overbeat, just until the mixture is homogeneous.
- Pour the mixture into a glass bowl, smooth the surface. Cover with cling film and refrigerate. It can be refrigerated for 2 hours or until the next day.
Prepare tuiles.
- Preheat the oven to 330ºF/165ºC with top and bottom heat.
- Place a silicone mat for tuiles on a perforated tray lined with teflon.
- With the help of a spatula, spread a little of the mixture over the mould. Make sure that all the holes are filled, while running the spatula several times to make sure that the entire surface is clean and free of batter. Otherwise, once baked, the pattern will not be "clean". There will be a small, thin veil between the lines of the pattern.
- Place in the oven at medium heat and bake for 4 minutes.
- Remove from the oven and carefully hold the silicone mat in your hand (wearing an oven glove). Remove the tuile, very carefully, with the help of tongs.
- Place on a wire rack and leave to cool. Or we can place it on a rolling pin or curved surface, if we want it to have a shape.
- Set aside and repeat the process as many times as you wish.
Prepare mascarpone cream.
- Cream must be cold 24 hours before used it.
- The bowl in which we are going to make whipped cream must be cold (recommended).
- Pour heavy cream along with mascarpone cheese and icing sugar into a bowl and whisk with an electric mixer into low speed.
- Increase speed gradually but without reaches high one. Ideally use medium speed.
- Before finish to beat the cream, add vanilla extract and whisk until get a perfect whipping cream. Be sure not to over-beat, otherwise cream will become lumpy and butter-like.
- Transfer to a piping bag with 6B Wilton nozzle.
- Place in the fridge until used it.
- Cut the Swiss Roll Brioche with a serrated knife. Cut portions with 2 pieces of dough, in total we will get 6 individual portions.
- Once they are cut, cut them in half without reaching the base, to separate the two pieces of dough. We will also cut a little of the filled sponge part. Our aim is to create a kind of sandwich that does not separate.
- Pipe a string of mascarpone cream on the inside and then a waved string as I show you in the video.
- Sprinkle with cinnamon powder and decorate with a piece of tuile or a whole tuile if our mould is different from mine.
- Serve.
- In my case, I divided the process into 3 days. But it can be done in 2 days without any problems.
- If you want to make jam to eat it with toast, I recommend reducing the sugar to the amount I detail in the list of ingredients. The recipe, as I leave it, is ideal for this preparation because we use a small amount and the rest of the ingredients contain very little sugar. So the whole is very balanced and pleasant to eat.
- The density of the jam for this preparation is rather thick, the texture (once it has cooled) is very reminiscent of quince cheese. It is important that it does not contain too much water or that it is very fluid, so that it does not soak the sponge cake too much and soften it. If we wish to make it lighter or more fluid, we can do so, but for this recipe I advise you to make it thicker.
- If we don't have a baking tray with the dimensions that I detail, we can pipe the batter on a tray to give it shape and bake it. In this post you can see how to do it.
- The sponge cake is very elastic, so it is not necessary to roll it while hot to prevent it from cracking.
- Do not omit the step of cooking the flour with the oil, thanks to this process we obtain a sponge cake with these characteristics.
- The creator of the recipe advises to make some superficial and longitudinal cuts on the top and at the beginning of the side that we are going to roll to prevent it from cracking. In my case I didn't do this and the result was very good, but you can do it if you wish.
- If we exceed the baking time in the oven, we run the risk of drying out the sponge cake. This will not only affect the texture, but will also result in a dry product that will crack easily when rolled.
- The size of the tray or the thickness of the sponge cake, if we pipe it, will directly influence the final baking time.
- The dough I have used is the one I left for making Vienna bread. We can use any other type of dough with similar characteristics if we wish.
- With the amount of yeast in the recipe, the dough will be leavened in 4 hours (in both first and second fermentation, a total of 8 hours) at about 24ºC, or we can delay the first fermentation and divide the process into 2 days. If you make the recipe in a colder season, you can double the amount of yeast to reduce the final rising time. But do not increase it beyond that, otherwise you will exceed the maximum recommended 2% of the final weight of yeast in relation to the final weight of flour used in the recipe.
- It is very important to carry out a good final fermentation. Otherwise, the pieces will crack and the final result will not be as attractive, as well as losing their incredible tenderness (they will be less spongy).
- In my case I have used mascarpone cream, but we can fill them with whipped cream, Chantilly or even Italian meringue and then toast them with a blowtorch.
- Tuiles can be made using a mat or stencil, but if you don't have one, you can make the traditional ones in the shape of a tile or use biscuit cutters on the tuile dough that has been rolled out and frozen. That way we can cut it out.
- The uncooked tuiles batter can be kept refrigerated for 1 week. You can make a lot of them, in fact you can make Russian cigarettes with them if you wish.
- Swiss Roll Brioche can be kept refrigerated for 2 days if they contain the mascarpone cream or we can wrap them individually in film and keep them at room temperature for 2 days, 1 week refrigerated or up to 1 month frozen.
Now that this beautiful, romantic and captivating time of the year is upon us, we have no choice but to make recipes according to what we see and feel. Be sure to try these Autumn Swiss Roll Brioche as soon as you can. It is one of the most absolutely delicious things I have tasted lately.
The dough is like a cotton wool cloud, especially if you let it rest overnight after baking. The sponge cake is spectacular... In taste and texture. The jam is one of the most absolutely delicious things I have ever tasted. It's almost on a par with ginger and bitter orange marmalade, two of my super favourites. Well, the grape one too, hahaha.
I love the way all of these elaborations come together. It's magical. You have one of these for breakfast and you're not hungry for several hours!
I can't wait to see yours! If you dare to make them, I'd love to see them if you tag me on Instagram.
I wish you a wonderful weekend!
Lots of love,