Radish Dashi cream with watercress
It's been a while since I've had my eye on a horseradish cream I saw on Denise's blog Foodlovin´. The simple idea of making a horseradish cream, with which I...
It's been a while since I've had my eye on a horseradish cream I saw on Denise's blog Foodlovin´. The simple idea of making a horseradish cream, with which I...
After a weekend, I always want light dishes and recipes to make up for the excesses, especially if there have been celebrations in between. There are seasons when the body...
Don't think I forgot about the soups or creams... Not at all! I continue to prepare them every week and gather many of them (the ones I liked the most)...
I haven't left you a soup in a while, and every week I prepare a new one. With this cold weather they are very appetising and, in general, they are...
Stews are dishes that my family like very much, especially in this cold weather we are having. It is true what they like best are the traditional dishes such as...
Now that the cold has finally arrived, I can leave you with the recipe for this traditional Ukrainian soup that I love and fascinate. Borscht, spicy beef and beet soup. This...
Guess what I brought you today? Yes, a cream, how original! But it's not just any cream, it's an scrumptious Sweet potato and Papaya Thai cream. For this week's recipes I...
This week it's good to have a new cream recipe, but not for long as we have a crazy time. Today I bring you a recipe of zucchini cream, but...
Today's recipe cannot be simpler, more surprising and delicious. Without a doubt, these recipes should be kept in mind when the cold comes as it will be a great option...
It seems that time is already asking us to make creams and soups to cope the cold better. That or I missed them so much that my body is what...
Again I bring a recipe adapted from one of my favorite books "Bar Tartine", but I can not help it ... They do a very cool and wonderful job. This...
We are back after holidays, which have been great, and I do with this chilled apricot cream with fennel. The truth it is a complicated summer to get the menu...