Galette des Rois, bitter orange and spices
I know I told you I'd bring you a recipe for Panettone for Christmas. But, uh, it's not gonna be possible. The reason is not that I don't want to...
I know I told you I'd bring you a recipe for Panettone for Christmas. But, uh, it's not gonna be possible. The reason is not that I don't want to...
Prepare yourselves because today I come with the intention of making you work a lot. I bring you a spectacular recipe, those that turn your eyes when you taste them......
I've wanted to share this recipe with you for a long time. But I'm going to tell you that I haven't already told you... So many wonderful recipes to try,...
All of you who have ever been to Alcalá de Henares, city from Spain, Madrid, or are from there will know the recipe that I am going to share with...
I know you'll think I must be crazy leaving a baked recipe with this warm weather we're having... Anyway, these high temperatures upset me a bit, hahaha. But well, we...
Well, well, the sweet treat I bring you today is outstanding. Classic and traditional, yes, but wonderful as well. I'm sure many of you know them very well and have...
Whenever I did macarons workshops, I used to prepare different types of fillings so that they could fill the ones they made. In each workshop I never repeated fillings, but...
Many of you write to me saying that you love laminated doughs, but that you are very lazy to make them. The process, resting-time, rising... But today I'm going to...
I know it's been a long time since I left you macarons recipe on the blog, apart from two posts (first and second) in which I tell you how to...
The recipe I share with you today came to me unexpectedly. A few days ago, a girl who follows me on Instagram recommended me this recipe, Runeberg Cake or Runebergin...
Lately I'm preparing very classic and traditional elaborations on the blog, but I love them! I think they're like the classic ballet of pastry, they're the basis for laying the...
It's not the first time, nor the last time, that I'm going to bring you galette recipes. I love them in both sweet and salty formats. I think they are...