Bûche de Noël, Chocolate and coffee
The sweet treats selection available at Christmas time is immense. Many times we have the strange sensation that everything is reduced to turrón, polvorones and roscón de Reyes. But nothing...
The sweet treats selection available at Christmas time is immense. Many times we have the strange sensation that everything is reduced to turrón, polvorones and roscón de Reyes. But nothing...
Many times, in our heads, we imagine things in one way, but as we are doing them they end up in another way that has nothing to do with it......
I couldn't resist... Those of you who have known me for a long time know that I love Halloween. I know it's a festivity that doesn't correspond to Spanish culture...
Today I come with a cake that, at first, was not going to be like this... I'll tell you. It's been a long time since I've wanted to make the...
Today's recipe is super simple to prepare, that I know that this type of elaborations you also appreciate. In fact, it can be made on the same day and enjoyed...
I've wanted to share this recipe with you for a long time. But I'm going to tell you that I haven't already told you... So many wonderful recipes to try,...
It didn't take me long not to make cakes... hahaha. I can't help it, I miss them! Not only do I enjoy thinking about them and making them, which is...
There are many things that give us great satisfaction when we do them, in my case cooking is one of them. Those of you who have known me for a...
I had long wanted to make a lime cake, in fact, since I tasted a wonderful cake from my friend Raúl, "El Oso con Botas". He is the best cooking,...
The other day, thinking of new recipes for cakes, I remembered the Black Forest Cake. It's a cake that I don't have on my blog and I really wanted to...
I've been researching Hungarian pastries for a while and, I must say, I'm completely fascinated and in love with them. In fact, the more I research, the better recipes I...
Today I bring you a cake that I fell in love with as soon as I saw it... It joined two things that I love, chocolate and raspberry, in addition...