Savory black pudding, pear and pine nuts pie
Some time ago I left you a savory pie, which I enjoyed a lot during the process, and I knew it would be a type of preparation that I would...
Some time ago I left you a savory pie, which I enjoyed a lot during the process, and I knew it would be a type of preparation that I would...
I like a lot of things about summer, but there is only one thing I don't like anymore... The hot weather. I must be getting older because I used to...
It's not the first time, nor the last time, that I'm going to bring you galette recipes. I love them in both sweet and salty formats. I think they are...
I've been having a very sweet season. I don't have an average term, either I make tons of cakes, biscuits, pastries and sweets in general or I spend a little...
What a long time without bringing a tin loaf, don't think that I've forgotten about them... at all. Only that the ones I usually make, to eat at home, are...
Whom I tell that I have made brioches with 86ºF at home will think that I am crazy. I had an incredible craving days ago and ... I had no...
A simple dessert, known in every home that we can have ready without working too much is the flan. I know it's a "vintage dessert" that may not like everyone...
As soon as the cold returns, I start again with creams, I love them! The last one I've tried is this cauliflower and pear cream with hazelnuts. I know they are...
I do not usually bring sweets in the middle of the week ... I always post them on Fridays, but every now and then it's okay to break the routine and...