Beetroot Macarons
The recipe I leave you today, I think is the most "strange" in terms of fillings refers to macarons of all that I have prepared. I define it as strange...
The recipe I leave you today, I think is the most "strange" in terms of fillings refers to macarons of all that I have prepared. I define it as strange...
You won't believe it, but despite having gone to Tony Roma´s a lot of times, I've never eaten the famous Skillet Chocolate Cookie. I know it's weird because who really...
Many of you write to me saying that you love laminated doughs, but that you are very lazy to make them. The process, resting-time, rising... But today I'm going to...
You know that I like to share with you recipes from different parts of the world, it's something that drives me crazy. I think there's nothing better than getting to...
I've been thinking about this for a long time and I'm going to share it with you today. You know that I have taught and teach many online workshops, at...
You can't imagine how eager I was for the strawberries season... Not only because I love them, adore them, and find them fantastic to make hundreds of recipes. But also...
I think it was time to retake doughs, hahaha. I've had a season that I just wanted to make cakes! Ok, I still feel like a lot, but today I...
Yeah, I know, I come back on a Friday with a cake. But I can't help it! I don't know what's wrong with me lately, I just want to make...
The recipe I share with you today came to me unexpectedly. A few days ago, a girl who follows me on Instagram recommended me this recipe, Runeberg Cake or Runebergin...
Yeah, I know, I've been making pies for a while that's not normal. I really prepare a lot more things at home, but lately it's what I want to make...
I have a time in which I have to organize much more than before for lack of hours in the day. With 24 hours I don't have enough to do...
Lately I have entered a circle that I find difficult and I do not want to leave, we are not going to fool ourselves. The thing is, I can't stop...