Flaons with Menorcan cheese
We start the recipes for Easter and, this time, I leave you a savory recipe that has been a discovery for me. Flaons with Menorcan cheese - Flaons amb formatge...
We start the recipes for Easter and, this time, I leave you a savory recipe that has been a discovery for me. Flaons with Menorcan cheese - Flaons amb formatge...
I can't contain my vintage and old-fashioned self, lately I'm overflowing with this style.... Today I bring you a Fruit Cake with nougat cream. Yes, I know, the whole thing...
I couldn't resist bringing you this Rose Crepe Cake.... I saw it some time ago and I knew that at some point I was going to leave it to you....
For some time now I have been very attracted to German pastries. Certainly, it has always fascinated me, but I must admit that lately almost everything I feel like making...
It's been almost a month since my last post because I couldn't get rid of some virus that has left me KO for more than two weeks. Well, I've been...
I have had this recipe saved for a little less than a year and I was looking forward to this time of year to be able to share it with...
I have been wanting to give you the recipe for Sicilian Cassata for a long time and, once again, it has been one of those recipes that I have been...
I have been thinking for a few weeks about some pâté en croûte recipes that I want to make, but I still haven't found the recipe I want to use....
I think it's a good time to start with Christmas recipes. I'm not going to say anything that you don't already know... I love Christmas! It is an enchanting time...
This year has been one of the hardest for me to decide what to do for the Halloween post. I had several ideas on the table and I think that's...
I've been trying to keep my recipes as simple as possible. Those that require little preparation time, but at the same time allow us to look like real hosts and...
The world of doughs has always been extraordinary to me, in fact I have two weaknesses; laminated doughs and very extensible and elastic doughs. This does not leave aside the...