Rose Crepe Cake
I couldn't resist bringing you this Rose Crepe Cake.... I saw it some time ago and I knew that at some point I was going to leave it to you....
I couldn't resist bringing you this Rose Crepe Cake.... I saw it some time ago and I knew that at some point I was going to leave it to you....
For some time now I have been very attracted to German pastries. Certainly, it has always fascinated me, but I must admit that lately almost everything I feel like making...
Despite having shared a Mugis recipe with you over 10 years ago, this is only available in Spanish, which was part of a mini cookbook of stories titled "What Did...
It's been almost a month since my last post because I couldn't get rid of some virus that has left me KO for more than two weeks. Well, I've been...
Before the Christmas season started, I asked on my IG what recipes you would like me to share. Some of them were already on my website, others were planned among...
I have had this recipe saved for a little less than a year and I was looking forward to this time of year to be able to share it with...
I have been wanting to give you the recipe for Sicilian Cassata for a long time and, once again, it has been one of those recipes that I have been...
I have been thinking for a few weeks about some pâté en croûte recipes that I want to make, but I still haven't found the recipe I want to use....
For some time I had the idea of leaving you a post with a small Christmas assortment, simple pastries although they do not seem so in appearance, to be able...
I think it's a good time to start with Christmas recipes. I'm not going to say anything that you don't already know... I love Christmas! It is an enchanting time...
Before kicking off the Christmas recipes, I wanted to share with you this delicate traditional sweet from the Maghreb gastronomy. Makrout Sniwa style Baklava. I love this kind of sweet...
This year has been one of the hardest for me to decide what to do for the Halloween post. I had several ideas on the table and I think that's...