Yellow Coconut Cake Brûlée with Baba Moça
Well, first of all I must say that today's recipe changed during the testing process. Originally, I wanted to make the famous Portuguese Cocada Amarela, but it did not turn...
Well, first of all I must say that today's recipe changed during the testing process. Originally, I wanted to make the famous Portuguese Cocada Amarela, but it did not turn...
Before the Christmas season started, I asked on my IG what recipes you would like me to share. Some of them were already on my website, others were planned among...
I have had this recipe saved for a little less than a year and I was looking forward to this time of year to be able to share it with...
I have been wanting to give you the recipe for Sicilian Cassata for a long time and, once again, it has been one of those recipes that I have been...
I have been thinking for a few weeks about some pâté en croûte recipes that I want to make, but I still haven't found the recipe I want to use....
For some time I had the idea of leaving you a post with a small Christmas assortment, simple pastries although they do not seem so in appearance, to be able...
I think it's a good time to start with Christmas recipes. I'm not going to say anything that you don't already know... I love Christmas! It is an enchanting time...
When I was little I liked goodies a lot, I think like the vast majority of children. But it's one of those things that, as you grow up, you lose...
One of the best times of the year for those with a sweet tooth is Christmas, without a doubt. We can find a very wide and varied assortment, so it...
There are aromas, flavors, recipes that connect us directly to Christmas. A couple of years ago it happened to me with these gingerbread and spiced plum cookies, and this year...
I'm sure you've already noticed that I'm in total "old-fashioned" mood lately. But I can't help it, these things fascinate me. They transmit an elegance, beauty and exceptional taste when...
I know I told you I'd bring you a recipe for Panettone for Christmas. But, uh, it's not gonna be possible. The reason is not that I don't want to...